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Operation and Guidance for Nationwide River Watch Programs

One of the characteristic of environmental problem is its cross-district impact. Building awareness among the general public about the environmental situation and trends in their own backyard is an important way to help the government control pollution and improve the environment. Generally, the major water pollution sources can be categorized as domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, wastewater from pig-raising farms, and other pollution sources such as non-point sources of pollution. The purpose of this project is to assist river watch teams from different cities and counties in running organizations, training and management, ensuring patrol teams to be well organized, and keeping regular operation. The project also intends to enhance citizens’ participation in public affairs by increasing community concern, civil actions, Academic knowledge, government authority, spread of mass media, and social consensuses. Two interviews were taken in each city and county to provide suggestions and to increase operation capacity and specialty of river watch teams in the long term.
River watch, Public Participation, Management of River Watching